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Transform Your Life Now . . .

with one-on-one mentoring with spiritual master and quantum energy practitioner, Colleen Webster. Combining over 22 years of training and experience in energetic psychotherapy and cutting-edge energy techniques, Colleen is results oriented. Her guidance is layered with compassion, intellectual sensibility and expert mentoring from both a practical earthly and a high spiritual perspective. Read Colleen's personal message to you and find out more About Colleen.

Learn to live an abundant life by developing the mindset and powerful skills to transcend status quo and quantum leap your soul visions into reality. Break through the mundane and transform your life energetically. Rise above financial indebtedness and excuses that stop you from stepping in to, or stepping up, the work you love and opening to your higher purpose and passion. Based on spiritual guidance, the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics.

See What Others Are Saying

Will This Benefit Me?  

If you have a sincere desire to improve your circumstances personally and/or professionally, are coachable, and open to becoming aware of your true nature, you will benefit. 

Are you ready to live the life of your dreams? The universe is patiently waiting to shower you with everything your heart and soul desire.

The real secret to creating abundance, health and vitality, and unconditional love and connection to Source is not in setting intentions, repeating affirmations, praying for what you want, or asking in any form. Creating the life of your dreams lies in increasing your vibrational capacity to receive, which can be hindered by energetic blockages, or vibrational density, imprinted within your energetic body. 

Will This Benefit Me?

Through a process of vibrational transformation, Colleen helps you shatter the vibrational density that keeps you from receiving boundless abundance:

  • Tap into your own abundant nature and living life from a space of full and overflowing
  • Open up and activate your vibrational channels to embody higher levels of resonance
  • Dissipate the energetic blocks that keep you from having the life you want
  • Learn every day tools and practices to maintain and continue to enhance your receptivity

Colleen will automatically attune to pure potential, focus on information you are presenting from the conscious and subconscious minds, from the soul plane, and data presenting itself from your physical energy field. She will help you clarify what you want to accomplish, identify your "stop" programming, unravel your internal motivators for success and help you craft supportive questions that will flip your internal switches from "stop" to "go". It may seem like she's having several conversations at once while remaining laser focused and present in the moment as she receives guidance from the higher realms on what's needed to energetically transform patterns and expand your conscious awareness to unlimited potential and possibility.   

Consciousness 101

This expansion of consciousness is simply about choosing to remove blinders (belief filters) and let go of preconceived notions regarding what's possible or not possible for ourselves. We come to understand that our individual potential is only limited by our perceived limitations and choices. Becoming aware of this automatically expands consciousness and awakens the ability to “conceive” infinite possibility and potential as being possible for yourself, within you. You will soon discover that by choosing to consciously and consistently apply this newly found awareness into your day to day activity, that you will become empowered to begin realizing and experiencing your most heartfelt dreams and desires in the physical, financial, relational, emotional and/or spiritual aspects of your life.

Why Does Quantum Physics Matter?

Based on the laws of quantum physics, you have the ability to mold and shape the various areas of your life according to how you choose to think, believe and feel. During a session, as your perception changes, old reality collapses and new possibilities materialize.

Everything Is Energy... Everything

Einstein's E=MC² 

The Quantum Field is an "Infinite" field of pure potential. Anything and everything that has, does or will exist begins as a wave in this "quantum field" and is transformed into the physical realm, limited only by what can be conceived as truth by the observer. In other words, this light and information takes form based on individual perception. Emotionally charged thoughts or beliefs have the potential to energetically transmit like a radio frequency into the infinite field of "wave" energy potential. These spiritual waves then receive the transmission and harmoniously transform into particles or matter which collectively join to shape what you come to see and experience in the physical world. You may be consciously aware, you see the cause and effect, or subconsciously, you have no clue, awareness of how you created your reality. 

90% of Your Behavioral Programming, Beliefs and Deepest Desires Are Hidden

Have you tried and tried, but can't seem to create the life you want, the life you deserve? Well, that's because you are only aware of 10% of the equation; 90% of your autopilot behavioral programming, beliefs and deepest desires are hidden away in the subconscious, in cellular memory, spanning multi-dimensions of space and time. Consequently, a great deal of our reality is being created unconsciously, unawares. Once you become aware and make conscious choices to transcend old beliefs or perceived limitations, and develop a plan for success which supports your new beliefs, you will gain the confidence and courage to put the plan into action to manifest your heart's desires.

The Heart of Matter 

Working together with universal life-affirming principals, divine guidance and supportive frequencies we'll uncover and transform the programs that say stop when you mean go, falter when you want success, stay small when you want to soar, be alone when you want to be loved and cherished, stay scarce when you want prosperity, and any other myriad of hidden patterns that are short-circuiting you from living a better life. Physical and emotional conditions can be resolved with the speed of thought. New awareness expands consciousness and harmonic resonance when the benevolent consciousness becomes apparent.

Call (757) 779-7887

"Blessed are those whose identities are shaken because they'll be invited to know their true identity."

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